Third Grade Newsletter

Second Grade Newsletters

Mrs. Harrill's Kindergarten News

Thank you to Mr. Robert Royal from the Henry County Health Center for presenting on distracted driving! All ages were encouraged to participate in the distracted driving simulator. Thank you, families, for coming to our event!

Third Grade Newsletter

Our phone lines are currently down, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. While we are working to resolve the issue, we’re uncertain of how long it will take. In the meantime, please reach out to us by email at communications@leesville.k12.mo.us
Thank you for your patience!

Third grade has been learning about fossils. Last week, they created a fossil using playdoh and Elmer's glue. Today, they finally had the opportunity to excavate it!

We will see you tomorrow, Bluejays!!
Please dress your students warm!
Please be prepared for the possibility of bus delays!

Due to extreme temperatures and unsafe road conditions, Leesville R-IX will be closed Thursday, February 20th.

Due to the snow and extreme cold, Leesville will be closed tomorrow February 19th.

Due to the temperatures and forecasted winter storm warning, Leesville R-IX will be closed Tuesday, February the18th.

Third Grade Newsletter

Leesville R-IX will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday February 12, 2025 due to the current weather warning and expected snowfall. Students need to complete AMI #5.

The forecast is for some extremely cold temperatures in the next few days! With that in mind, this is just a quick reminder that with bitterly cold temperatures comes the need to send your children to school/bus stop with appropriate winter clothing. If your child needs a particular piece of winter wear to stay warm in the cold weather, please be sure to connect with the office. They will be happy to help locate the right piece of winter wear in an age-appropriate size.
Recess is critically important to the mental and physical well-being of children. Whenever possible, we seek to have students playing outside for recess as a break from classroom-based and other indoor activities. Below is the criteria followed for outdoor recess.
The Leesville R-IX School District has established best practices regarding extremely high or low temperatures as these relate to outdoor and indoor recess. The presence of rain or snowfall can influence this decision. The guidelines are:
Indoor Recess will be held when the temperature or heat index is above 95 degrees Fahrenheit
Indoor Recess will be held when the temperature or wind chill is below 20 degrees Fahrenheit (dress appropriately)

Second Grade Newsletter

Mrs. Harrill's Kindergarten Newsletter

Third Grade Newsletter

Attention Middle School Parents: Due to an error on our end, grade cards will be sent home tomorrow. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Third Grade Newsletter

Second Grade Newsletter